My Aunt

Daily writing prompt
List the people you admire and look to for advice…

Of course, I sought advice from my parents, but since their passing (of natural causes at an old age) I have found that advice from my Aunt comes without all the judgment and doubt that advice from my parents brought. If I had known that when I was younger life would have been much easier. The point: There are other older relatives that you can rely on, if you allow them.

Published by Karine Green

Karine Green writes fantasy and paranormal romances with cunning heroines/heroes who face internal and external foes. In real life, Karine is a retired emergency services worker with experience in two major cities. She now works as an English as a Second Language teacher. Writing and storytelling has always been a passion for Karine. She would get in trouble in English class for “embellishing” English assignments to be more interesting. She grew up north of Detroit and worked in Nashville. Upon retiring she now calls Tampa home. She loves retirement since she can now write full-time. Her favorite way to combat writer’s block is to watch the news. The news always provides inspiration for stories that can be embellished into amazing stories. It even provides names that can be mixed and matched into believable characters. Find out more about her books at: Karine loves to hear from her readers. Contact her on her Facebook Fan Page: Follow the latest news about new releases at Karine’s WordPress page:

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