My Future Career Plan

My future career plan is retirement. I am going to put all my money in a special fund so I can purchase a world cruise. I look forward to this new path with great anticipation as I wrap up the last few working years. I can’t wait to see new places and meet new people.Continue reading “My Future Career Plan”

Car Rental Series #3

By Karine Green (photo copyright is by Canva) Five Things Car Rental Agents Wish They Could Tell You. Once you leave the counter after checking in, make sure you have whatever paperwork the counter clerks told you to have ready to leave with the car. The exit people will most likely need the RENTER’S driver’sContinue reading “Car Rental Series #3”

What would a Genie Wish for?

Today is the day Paige Ambrosia died. Today is also the day that Paige will get a second chance.She is chosen as a genie’s apprentice. As she begins to learn the tricks of the trade, she discoversthat death may have extended this hope only to yank it back. Wishes usually come in threes. The firstContinue reading “What would a Genie Wish for?”

Ghostly Inspiration

What inspired the story THE CAINE PLANTATION? How did I pull together all the elements for The Caine Plantation? The reason Kathy leaves police work. For those who claim that police turning on each other isn’t true, you are (respectfully) incorrect. They turn on each other all the time. It just doesn’t get the sameContinue reading “Ghostly Inspiration”

The Losingist Loser that Loses Part Two

By Karine Green The Losingist Loser that Loses! (Part One is here) Part Two – What to consider BEFORE you make that call to Jenny Craig Firstly, you’ll need a membership! Some are free. Some are not. Many, many moons ago, Jenny Craig offered lifetime memberships. They were rather expensive, even by Jenny Craig standards,Continue reading “The Losingist Loser that Loses Part Two”

Meet the Caine’s

Chapter one from The Caine Plantation Returning October 29th, 2021 on Amazon (Kindle, paperback, and hardcover) By Karine Green Kathy Marconi leaned her slim, fit body over the table to examine the closing paperwork. She tucked a lock of her dark red hair behind her ear, so she could read without it hanging in herContinue reading “Meet the Caine’s”