The Losingist Loser that Loses Part Two

By Karine Green The Losingist Loser that Loses! (Part One is here) Part Two – What to consider BEFORE you make that call to Jenny Craig Firstly, you’ll need a membership! Some are free. Some are not. Many, many moons ago, Jenny Craig offered lifetime memberships. They were rather expensive, even by Jenny Craig standards,Continue reading “The Losingist Loser that Loses Part Two”

Art Walk in Auburn Hills

This isn’t necessarily a park or nature walk. It’s a cool small town – downtown walk. For those of you familiar with the Detroit Bankruptcy, you may remember reading or hearing reports of the community fears that the creditors involved would seek the forced sale of The Detroit Institute of Art’s (DIA) art collection toContinue reading “Art Walk in Auburn Hills”


After 8 long years confined to a wheelchair, my doctor, Dr. Robert Page asked me to finally try to leave it and try to walk for just one short block. He attributed this attempt to the extensive exercise regimen and as he said, my great mental attitude. I took him up on it and walkedContinue reading “GUEST POST FROM DANIEL PRINCE.”

Solace In A Crowd – Rochester Riverwalk

When something stressful is in my future it is difficult to calm down, and the pending total hip replacement qualifies as stressful. My mind likes to race, keeping me awake at night. Being my third hip rodeo, I am well aware of the long and difficult road to recovery is ahead of me. With thisContinue reading “Solace In A Crowd – Rochester Riverwalk”


How I Face the Fear of Human Resources. {This part is about dealing with the scariest, most frightening walks that an employee can encounter; requesting extended leave from Human Resources. This was written prior to my surgery, stay tuned for the continuation of the Days of Our Human Resources.} I am taking my daughter andContinue reading “A WALK IN THE MALL”


I am going to call this a distraction post. Why would I include such a thing in a blog that specifically promotes #LetNothingStopYou? Well, frankly, it’s a really bad arthritis day. I can’t express how badly I am hurting today, each step is like a knife stab. I have to shift focus elsewhere because withContinue reading “THE COFFEE PRESS”


Greetings my walking friends. I am coming to you from the interior of my cheap, but reliable two-cycle washing machine! No really, that is where I am stuck at. I need to wash the Emperor’s New Clothes. Since my washer is all or nothing I suppose I must cram them into the mesh laundry bagContinue reading “A WALK IN THE PARK; A WALK IN THE WASHER”